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Caddy Training Enrolment Form

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What You Will Learn

 Day 1 


 Induction and 

 Introduction to Golf 

  • Induction and overview of the programme

  • Introduction to golfing 

  • Basics and understanding golf (set-up, grip, posture, alignment) 

  • Practice green (shortgame, chipping, bunker play, putting)

 Day 2 


 Understanding the Game 

 and Basic Gameplay 

  • Golf training (basic rules, gameplay, beginner swings, beginner shots.

  • Playing the game (5 – 9 holes on course)


 Day 3


 Roles and Responsibilities 

 of the Caddy 

  • Roles, responsibilities, and etiquette

  • Managing and engaging the player

  • Golf bag management

  • Protective measures of player's bag

  • Club arrangement

 Day 4


 On-Course Training 

  • Sighting golf balls

  • Yardage estimation

  • Wind detection

  • Player assistance 

 Day 5 


 Golf Rules, Regulations, 

 and Playing Techniques 

  • Advanced golf rules

  • Practical application of rules 

  • Golfing techniques 

 Day 6 


 Communication Skills, Advanced Playing,

and Safety Protocols

  • Developing communication skills 

  • Advanced golf etiquette

  • First-aid training

  • Safety protocols

  • Role play communication scenarios 

  • Learning how to play the game 

 Day 7 


 Golf Course Care 

 and Advanced Training 

  • Turf and green maintenance

  • Advanced training on reading the greens

  • Advanced training on club selection

  • Advanced golf playing strategies

 Day 8 


 Part 1: 

 On-the-Job Training 

and Practical Assessment 

  • Practicing everything you have learned with real players on the golf course

 Day 9 


 Part 2: 

 On-the-Job Training 

and Practical Assessment 

  • Practicing everything you have learned with real players on the golf course

 Day 10


 Training Summary 

 and Final Assessment  

  • Recap and review of learnings

  • Trainer's assessment 

  • Graduation and certification ceremony 

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